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Mohit Bakshi

Blog Launch
14 Oct 2015

My primary intention for setting up and using this blog is to share my experiences with technology that I use and build, my learnings and thoughts about works of science, art and life in general. I certainly wish that these posts help someone save time and effort while giving them new insights. The other intention of course, being a humble geek, is to fulfill the cliched but necessary obligation of having an online presence!

This blog is powered by Github Pages and Jekyll, both of which fit in perfectly with my need to create a simple clean site, with no fancy layouts and a small learning curve to setup the requisites.

I finished watching Mad Men last week and feel compelled to share the words of wisdom imparted to Don Draper as he finally finds peace and happiness in accepting the self -

"The new day brings new hope, the lives we've led. The lives we've yet to lead. A new day. New ideas. A new you."