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Mohit Bakshi

Currently Reading
  • The Industries of the Future (Alex Ross)
  • Shantaram (Gregory David Roberts)
  • Reading List
  • The Order of Things (Michel Foucault)
  • The Facebook Effect (David Kirkpatrick)
  • The Viral Loop (Adam L. Penenberg)
  • Automated Planning (Ghallab, Nau, Traverso)
  • Distributed Algorithms (Nancy Lynch)
  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen R. Covey)
  • Slaughterhouse-Five (Kurt Vonnegut)
  • The Age of Reason (Thomas Paine)
  • Art of War (Sun Tzu)
  • Napoleon (Emil Ludwig)
  • Talent is Overrated (Geoff Colvin)
  • Elon Musk (Ashlee Vance)
  • Survival of the Sickest (Sharon Moalem)
  • The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams)
  • Zero To One (Peter Thiel)
  • The Lean Startup (Eric Ries)
  • One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
  • The Hard Things About Hard Things (Ben Horowitz)
  • Days of Reading (Marcel Proust)
  • The $100 Startup (Chris Guillebeau)
  • The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde)
  • The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde)
  • God is not great (Christopher Hitchens)
  • Man's Search for Meaning (Viktor Frankl)